Are you selling your home? About to let your property? Concerned about the condition of your electrical wiring or are you curious to know how your electrical installation compares to the current electrical regulations, then read on. A periodic test and inspection of the fixed wiring will provide a full, accurate and impartial view of the condition of your electrical installations. If you require an inspection and/or testing please contact us
A periodic Inspection is a test and inspection to ascertain the condition of an existing electrical installations, to identify (in order of priority) any deficiencies against BS7671:2008 which is the British standards for electrical installations formerly known as the IEE's Wiring Regulations, the most recent version of which came into force on the 1st July 2008 and which is the 17th Edition of this document.
A Periodic Test and Inspection will identify:
Each electrical circuit is thoroughly tested and visually inspected; the results of the test and electrical inspection are recorded on the Periodic Inspection Report.
Remember, every electrical installation deteriorates with age and it is important for the person responsible for the maintenance of the installation to be sure that the safety of the users is not put at risk and that the electrical installation continues to be in a safe and serviceable condition.
The following intervals are taken from Guidance Note 3 of BS7671:2008 and are recommended intervals only, age and condition need to be taken into account when assessing the time between tests:
Domestic Dwelling | 10 Years or Change of Occupant |
Commercial Property | 5 Years |
Caravans | 3 Years |
Swimming Pools | 1 Year |
Licensed Premises | 1 Year |